Stocks Lane Primary School

Believe Encourage Succeed Together




We are a Year 2 class.

Our teacher is Miss Burdett and our teaching assistant is Mrs Holdsworth.

Click the link to access our topic web for this term which is

'Amazing Africa'.


Most beautiful places in Africa to visit on your next trip - Exoticca Blog

Click on the link to view our homework choices for this term.


 Homework Information


We are reading 

Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett.


Meerkat Mail : Gravett, Emily, Gravett, Emily: Books 


               In our My Happy Mind sessions we are about character strengths        and that we are all unique because of our character.




Sycamore Class Litter Picking in the local area.

World Book Day


Great Fire of London Workshop 25.01.24.

Sycamore Class had a brilliant morning building 'wattle and daub' structures using sticks and mud. We thought about how and why London was so easy to catch fire in 1666.

We also built Thomas Farriner a new bakery using better materials such as stone, clay and even tin foil! We tested to see if Thomas and his family would be safe inside.

Thank you to Alfresco Learning for the fantastic workshop!

Great Fire of London Art work

We have been creating Great Fire of London cityscapes using pastels and black paper silhouettes. We used Monet's painting style of cityscapes for inspiration.

Marvellous Maths!

We investigated which 2D shapes we could find in our classroom.

We made some shapes using geoboards and lollipop sticks too.

Which 2D shapes can you see?


Queen Victoria's Bathing Machine

We have loved learning about Queen Victoria in Sycamore Class!

We built a bathing machine just like the one Prince Albert built Queen Victoria.

We drew our design for a bathing machine and we practiced making the wheels, axel and chassis.


Here are some of our creations - can you see yours?

Please click here to see your child's reading focusses for the year.

Please click here to see your child's oracy focusses for the year

Long Term Plan